
What I offer

Compassionate Expertise

Individual adult Integrative psychotherapeutic counselling

I offer individual adults psychotherapeutic counselling on a one to one, in person or online therapy.
My integrative approach draws from different therapeutic theories that can help a client in all
situations. I consider you as an individual as are your circumstances. I use elements of different
approaches to help you explore and cope with difficulties you may be experiencing rather than
trying to force one type of theoretical therapeutic approach onto you.
This focuses on you rather than the counsellor being the expert on yourself, and aims to help you
reach your full potential, that I will help you to achieve, by accepting and valuing you, being honest
and transparent with you and offering you unconditional positive regard.
Throughout our sessions I will help you to bring your subconscious – what is just below the surface of
your awareness – into your conscious mind at your own pace. This helps you become more aware of
what’s in your subconscious, such as difficult memories and experiences, so you can understand how
these deep-rooted feelings impact on you in the present and how you can learn to cope with them.

Individual Child and adolescent Psychotherapeutic counselling

I offer highly specialised child and adolescent Psychotherapeutic counselling to children and young
people between the ages of 3 and 18, in person and online (where appropriate).
My integrative approach draws on different theories that fit with the young persons needs, rather
than trying to fit them into one theoretical model. I see each young person as an individual whereby
their experiences can be processed through the use of play and creativity as well as talking and is led
by them at their own pace.
I seek to look beneath the surface of difficult emotions, behaviours and relationships to help
children, adolescents and their families to understand themselves and their problems. I carefully
observe what a child or young person might be communicating non-verbally through their behaviour
and play.
I am extensively trained in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapeutic counselling at master’s level,
which enables me to help children to work with sometimes disturbing thoughts and feelings and
make sense of their experience. Confused, frightened, hurt, angry or painful feelings can gradually
be put into words rather than actions. Building a therapeutic relationship alongside creative
methods such as play, art, music, drama and sand tray, as well as talking, they can begin to process
difficult and sometimes traumatic experiences. As a result, the child or young person can begin to
express their emotions in less concerning ways and start to return to the more usual process of child
development. They are likely to feel less anxious, more able to learn and better equipped to sustain
friendships and relationships with their families.

Dyadic/ Parent - child therapy

Sometimes it can be useful for parents or carers to work alongside their children. This maybe the
case if the child or young person has experienced difficulties with attachment, a loss, family
breakdown or had trauma in their lives.
I offer several therapeutic interventions which draw from theoretical models including Dyadic
developmental psychotherapy, Functional family therapy, Theraplay and systemic family therapy.
This can be most useful if the child or young person is displaying behaviours which a parent/carer is
finding it difficult to understand or parent in a traditional way.
Therapeutic parenting offers an effective approach to nurturing children and incorporates principles
such as sensitivity, structure, connection, and therapeutic communication; caregivers can create a
secure and healing environment that supports the child’s emotional well-being, social development,
and overall recovery.
Sessions would be tailored to accommodate the individual needs of the child and carers and may
include sessions individually as well as together.

Whole family/couples psychotherapeutic counselling

Whole family therapies can be invaluable when there have been difficulties that effect everyone that
is important to a child or young person.
In family therapies, rather than seeing only the person who is distressed, the people who are close
to the person are also consulted about what might be happening.
Their views can help to build a shared understanding of complicated situations and help to find
solutions.  Family work is especially helpful if you are worried about relationships within your family.
I can help family members to share their views and feel heard and understood.  I would manage
differences of opinion and stressful feelings, which often occur in family discussions and then look at
reducing the blame and negativity which can often happen when there are high emotions.
I help family members look for solutions to their difficulties and learn new ways to understand
what’s happening and communicate with each other.
Families are supported to think about their strengths and encouraged to recognise what they are still
managing in life, despite the difficulties.

Parent therapy

Parenting can be the most rewarding experience, but equally incredibly difficult and emotive. We
largely learn to parent, by our own experience of being parented, and sometimes this can leave us
feeling that we are not sure if we are getting it right or not. There maybe other factors such as
childhood abuse or that your child is neuro diverse, and they have additional needs to what you
might have been expecting as parent. You may feel that as your child passes through different stages

of development that there are triggers for you that bring back childhood memories of your own and
these are overwhelming for you and maybe even disrupt the way you would like to parent your
I can help you to make the connections and understand your child’s development as well as give you
a safe space to explore your own thoughts and feelings around being a parent. Whether your child is
still young or now grown up, I can help give you the opportunity to have a better attachment
relationship, communication and understanding.

Professional therapeutic consultation

I offer consultation to a wide range of professionals, including schools, social workers, children’s
homes, foster carers, special guardians, medical professionals, therapists, support workers and
anyone working with a child, young person or family, whereby I will give you a better understanding
of what the client may be experiencing, psychoeducation around trauma and attachment symptoms.
I can support you or your team in formulating plans in how you can work with children and their
families using therapeutic theory.

Peer mentoring

I offer mentoring to teachers, social workers, children’s services staff, therapists both in training and
qualified, who wish to have a space to discuss issues they may be experiencing in their own practice
or training. This can be both one to one and in a group setting.